Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Power law distributions

The last text was about Mediocristan and Extremistan. Let's forget the former and focus on the latter. Extremistan is a world in which the enormous outcomes are the results of small causes. 80/20 rule is the best known power-law distribution. It states that 80 percent of the outcomes come from 20 percent of the causes. This is just one power-law distribution and there are uncountable amounts of them. Do not focus on the 80/20 rule when you think about power-law distributions. Covid19-epidemic is an extreme example of a power-law distribution. Even though it is not sure, it likely started when one person ate some part of an animal he should not have. Millions of people will suffer from the virus.

The good, the bad and the irrelevant

It is not important to only understand that a minority of causes or inputs produce the majority of effects and outputs. Understanding that the majority of causes or inputs produce a minority of causes and outputs is equally important. Let's say that your causes and effects have 80/20 distribution. Then 80 percent of your causes and inputs are irrelevant. Their effects and outputs are close to zero. It is safe to say that 20 percent of your causes and inputs have large positive and negative effects and outputs. If your life is good, then your 20 percent has larger positive than negative effects. If your life is bad, the negative effects of that 20 percent are larger.

You do not have to be a rocket scientist to understand you have to enlarge the effects of positive causes and inputs in your life and diminish the negative ones. You can change to get rid of some of the irrelevant 80 percent of the causes and inputs. Change them into positives. It is unlikely you can get rid of all the negative causes and inputs. You can find ways to diminish some of the effects and outputs. You can transform some of them into irrelevant ones.

Long-term predictions are not smart in Extremistan

You can make predictions in Extremistan and be right for a short time, but the overall results of predictions are usually negative. As I mentioned in the last text, you need 100 billion fold data points in the 80/20 world compared to the normal distribution world. When the power-law distribution is 50/1, you cannot have enough data points or computing power to make any useful predictions. Financial markets and economies are parts of Extremistan. Therefore, an economist, financial pundit, or someone else who believes they can make exact predictions are idiots. Their total effect on the economy is negative. The funny thing is that they believe their predictive models are based on solid math. In short, do not believe anyone who believes they can make any useful long-term predictions in any social interactions. The world today is not predictable.

When predicting is not possible, you have to prepare for everything. How to do it is a whole another ball game. One way to deal with it is to reduce tight interactions. Do not use all your resources to achieve something like putting all of your time or other resources like money into one endeavor. Be less leveraged than you can. Have smaller debts than you can take. Be more independent. Rely less on other people and their resources. Have many income streams. Then you rely less on a single one.

Start making small experiments. Make small and numerous adjustments to your inputs. See what happens. There are lots of examples of what you can do. Make small changes in your marketing materials when you can do them in a cost-efficient way. Change a few words or colors, etc. Make small adjustments to your daily habits like your eating. See what happens if you diminish the availability of bad nutrition and increase the availability of a good one. Put some of your sweets (if you have them at home or work) into somewhere you cannot see them without increased effort in finding them.

Do you consider yourself a helpful person? If you found anything useful in this text, teach it to your friends.

Until next time,


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